Like a lot of start up enterprises liberally using the word ‘we’, there’s actually one person at the centre of Four Score and More, deeply immersed in (at least co-running) each of the projects. That person (also writing this text) is:

Fortunately for him (me), a growing number of great people are contributing to ‘Four Score And More’, either as directly involved collaborators, or in important advisory roles. Here is some info on them:

Collaborators and Credits

Cut Outs, Working in Harmony, and more

Scores of Scores


  • This interactive guide to the pitch properties of the pedal harp was developed by Iain Gunn and I in 2016 and first published as part of a paper for Music Theory Online.


  • These files are based on public domain transcriptions by Jay Wilson and (like most of our offerings) made using code built on top of the music21 library. Thank you Jay! Thank you music21!


Simple Harmonic Motion

Scored-up Scores


  • Thanks to the people and teams who produced the score transcriptions on from which this data is extracted (several as detailed on that page).

Advisory Team

Funding and Institutions

Grateful acknowledgement goes to

  1. The University of Cambridge for funding in support of ‘Scores of Scores’ and ‘Cut Outs’. Here are the specific funds and remit of our activity in those areas:
  2. Cornell University where I was employed from 2018-20 as ‘Postdoctoral Associate in Computational Music Theory Pedagogy’ with duties specifically including the development of open source digital music theory teaching resources. Thanks to Cornell’s Faculty of Music and Active Learning Initiative for creating this inspired and unique post.

  3. Universität des Saarlandes where I was employed from 2020-21 as ‘Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter’ on the DFG-funded ‘Computergestützte Analyse harmonischer Strukturen’ project.

  4. Technische Universität Dortmund where I now work as Professor for Music Theory.

Thank you all!