Notes for Users (what to expect)
- All scores are checked at least twice, by different contributors, but we accept that some errors will inevitably still be missed. Please report any errors by adding a comment on the score in We will investigate and make the necessary corrections.
- Each score is transcribed from a named, Public Domain source on IMSLP.
- The source is reproduced as closely as possible, within the constraints of MuseScore capability and observing modern musical convention.
- Standard headings are provided, on all scores and parts.
- Page size = A4 (standard in Europe). This can be altered within MuseScore and is close enough to the American ‘Letter size’ to be practical in most cases.
Score layout
- Score layout follows the system layout of the source whenever possible, but not the page layout, which is adjusted so that each movement begins on a new page. This enables users to check the score against the source with reasonable ease.
- If this results in an unreadably small scale, a second score is included in the set using a larger system layout (see, for example, Mozart K.387).
- There are 5 or 6 systems per page in most scores.
- When a score is transcribed from parts only, there is obviously no score layout to copy.
Bar (measure) numbers
- Following conventional practice, the first complete bar of a movement is numbered 1,
- i.e., if the first measures is incomplete (an “anacrusis”) it should be counted as number 0 (in practice, excluded from the count).
- first time bars at repeats are also excluded from the count.
Naturally, we transcribe all tempo and metronome marks from a source into the transcription.
- Where a specific metronome mark is given, it will affect playback in the transcribed MuseScore file.
- Where only general indications are given (e.g., “Andante”) we typically use MuseScore defaults for this range (here 92).
- There are some exceptional cases where we provide editorial tempo markings but any work on playback in MuseScore is incidental: our priority is to produce reliable, user-friendly, visually accurate scores.
- Obviously individual quartets will make their own decisions on tempo in performance!
Every effort is made to ensure that the parts are clear, easy to read, and in a usable format, as these are arguably the most important aspect of the project.
- Each movement starts on a new page.
- If a movement is up to 3 pages long, page turn breaks are not routinely implemented, as 3 A4 pages can usually be accommodated on a music stand.
- For longer movements, every effort is made to find suitable rests where page turns would be easiest, also taking into account repeats, which sometimes require a backward page turn with no pause at the repeat. This is often the most difficult task in the preparation for upload, but we do our best, and of course, digital scores can be adjusted by the user in MuseScore.
Again, if you notice any errors please let us know via the page. We’re also keen to hear if you have any suggestions or requests!
Maureen Redbond and Mark Gotham, 09-2022