Interactive Apps

Static Resources

  • Grounded: exercises and examples of ground bass composition.

  • Partimenti: files for teaching/learning the ‘schemas’ based on short, ‘partimento’ bass lines that Eighteenth-Century musicians learned as stock-in-trade prototypes for improvisation and composition.

  • Species: Species Counterpoint exercises, solutions, and more.

Work in Progress

Resources that we are actively working on, in varying states of readiness:

  • ‘Moments Musicaux’: lists of chords and other musical objects at orders of magnitude beyond any existing anthology or textbook collections, and combining a range of approaches.

  • Scored-up Scores: interactive introductions to works by encoding and visualising aspects of its structure for the user to explore.

  • Simple Harmonic Motion: an interactive, online teacher of basic conducting technique in collaboration with the Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.