Click here to use the app


The ‘Working in Harmony’ offers automatic feedback on Roman numeral analysis – a kind of analytical ‘spell-checker’. It’s not here to ‘give out the answers’, but simply to help out by catching typo-style errors. If you appreciate having a spell checker for your text documents, and would like something similar for your Roman numeral analysis, then you came to the right place!

Our aim is to support absolutely any music you have available in a suitable format. In this initial ‘alpha’ release, we are trialing this app with songs in the lieder corpus only.

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On this page:

  • Simple, ‘how to’ instructions for using the app.

On other pages:

How to use this app

  1. Choose a score from the dropdown list of lieder. [Coming soon: We aim to offer this for any music you have access to in an ‘encoded’ format that can convert to musicxml (midi, kern, Sibelius, Finale, etc.).]
  2. Write your analysis down and upload it following these instructions.
  3. The system will evaluate your work and provide:
    • a new version of the score, with your analysis included on it as a lowest part;
    • a separate text file with feedback on your analysis.
  4. Correct any errors you find and re-upload for a new review as many times as you like.

All set? Then click here to start using the app.

Do I need any softwares or subscriptions?

No. You can do everything right here on the website: enter your analysis in the text box and view the scores in the browser.

You may, however, like to make use of off-line software. You can type your analysis in any text editor (e.g. Microsoft Word, Mac Pages or TextEdit) and if you download the scores then you can open them in any relevant software (e.g. MuseScore, Sibelius, Finale). If you don’t already have software for reading and editing scores, then try MuseScore which is completely free and open source.

In short, anyone can use this app freely and without payment, subscription, or anything of the kind to us or anyone else. Simply click here to start using the app.